Business Training With Dave Sandoval - July 2023

business training Jul 19, 2023

From Purium's Business Training Zoom on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 with Dave Sandoval. Join the co-founders every 3rd Tuesday of every month for a special Purium Business Training.


To kick the call off Dave shared two new videos! 

How To Successfully Share Purium

One of the most common questions we receive is, "How do we talk about Purium?" In this video, Purium Co-founder Dave Sandoval will walk you through the right and wrong ways to share Purium as a Brand Partner.

Find Your Freedom With The Purium Economy

Dave's new video dives into all the amazing benefits of partnering with Purium! 

Understanding Your Core Messaging

Your core messaging is the single most important way to communicate why a company exists. So why does Purium exist? What problem exists and how does Purium help solve that? 

Purium is here for people who are ready for a health transformation. People who are ready to look, feel, and perform better than they have or currently are. We do that through easy nutritional programs that are easy to follow and super effective.

Purium believes that with a 90 day commitment to the Purium lifestyle, you will look, feel, and perform much better than you are today. That you will see results in as little as 10 days, and we have a 60-day money-back guarantee to back that up if you don’t feel that way.

When sharing this messaging, it’s critical you refer to Dave’s video and use language that is compliant. 

Who to Spread the Message To

The easiest people to attract are the people who are looking for you. So who is looking for Purium? People who are hoping to look, feel, and perform better than they are right now, and they want a transformation in their life. They know that nutrition is the answer, but they don't know where to start.

What about someone who isn’t hoping to look, feel, and perform better than you are right now? You can talk to that person all day long, but chances are, you are wasting your effort and love when you can be talking to that person that is ready for Purium.

Stay Connected To Purium With Google Tools!

This Google Folder has a number of tools for you. From zooms and training recaps to recognition and success stories, details are at your fingertips! Bookmark this link so you can quickly find the info you need.

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Purium is not just changing the way people eat -- we're changing the way they live. We want to spread economic freedom and plant-based wellness. Are you in?