Your Future In Focus & Diamond Club 2022 - Event Details

events Jan 03, 2022

Are you ready?

Your future self, health, and wealth are waiting! We’re forecasting a record-breaking 2022 and in spring… we’re hosting a huge virtual and in-person event! 



Our May 14 Training Event will focus on making your future aspirations a reality… today! Get expert training and hear from our leaders about what’s in store! 

Want to be there in person? Anyone who rank advanced to Diamond from November 2019 to April 2022 will get an invite to Diamond Club and therefore will get an invite to attend the training event live. (Hotel and event included) 

For those that have already achieved Diamond, don't worry you too can attend! Just hit the the rank of Diamond through the Fast Start Reset by April 31 2022, and you will receive an invite to Diamond Club and therefore an invite to attend the training event live (Event only). 

 More details to be announced soon! 

Diamond Club Weekend ๐Ÿ’Ž 

Diamonds, are you ready? We missed you! We’re planning a HUGE weekend event and you’re invited. Exclusive swag will be given at the Diamond club. More details to come! 

May 13-15

May 13 Friday Night 

  • Reception / Registration
  • Mixology
  • Leadership training (Diamond Club Opening Sessions) 

May 14 

  • Morning Stretch
  • Mixology and Purium Store 
  • Your Future in Focus Session 1 + 2
  • Recognition, Celebration and Dance Party 

May 15

  • Mixology and Purium Store 
  • Purium facility tour 
  • Family Fun Event
  • Healthy Happy Hour
  • More details to come! 

Want to Learn More and Access the Tools for Qualifying for Diamond Club and Your Future In Focus? 

Learn more about the FAST Start Reset here. 

Click here for the iShare Event Page. 

Click here for Diamond Dash

 Click here for Rank Declaration details. 

Click here for UBT details.  

Stay Connected To Purium With Google Tools!

This Google Folder has a number of tools for you. From zooms and training recaps to recognition and success stories, details are at your fingertips! Bookmark this link so you can quickly find the info you need.

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Purium is not just changing the way people eat -- we're changing the way they live. We want to spread economic freedom and plant-based wellness. Are you in?